Brands reacting to the coronavirus pandemic
All this to hearten each other during the crisis and be able to return to normal life afterwards.
Coca-Cola has decided to suspend all promotional and marketing activities of the brands from its portfolio (Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Cappy juices, Kropla Beskidu) from the beginning of April until later notice. Coca-Cola is one of the largest advertisers in the world. Branding experts unanimously say that the temporary lack of brand advertising will not affect its customers. Stands will not disappear from stores, refrigerators will continue to bear the brand logo, and bottles and cans will remain on the shelves. The funds that were to be used for marketing activities will be spend on the fight against coronavirus. What’s more, Coca-Cola has provided water and other drinks to all hospitals for infectious diseases in Poland.
While the government recommends staying at home and limiting our activities outside, Orange reaches out to its clients and offers something that may be useful during national quarantine – a free 10 GB Internet package to facilitate contact with the loved ones. Furthermore, to make the time spent at home more enjoyable, Orange offered access to over 40 channels from its Comfort Package. What’s more, the operator has introduced free courier delivery of telecommunications contracts.
The L’Oréal group fights against coronavirus as a part of the European solidarity program. The cosmetics giant had began producing hand sanitizers, which later were given to French and European health authorities. The La Roche-Posay, a subsidiary of the L’Oréal concern, provides all partner hospitals, nursing homes and pharmacies with sanitizers. Whereas, Garnier, which is also an entity belonging to L’Oréal, will provide free disinfectants for European food distribution companies. The L’Oréal Foundation has donated EUR 1 million to non-profit partner organizations helping people in need. Furthermore, L’Oréal will suspend payments from companies in their distribution network until they resume their business.
The department of professional products of L’Oréal Polska has decided to support hair salons and stylists. An open group “L’Oréal Supports Hairdressers” was created on Facebook, where hairdressers from all over Poland share information. The topics discussed in the group relate to, among others, accounting, law and business knowledge. Moreover, group experts help salons shape their strategies, so that they can return to normal life.
McDonald’s is a strategic partner of the #WzwamyPosiłki campaign. As part of the campaign, free meals are delivered to employees of selected hospitals. Warm McSets of Power were sent to, among others, hospitals in Warsaw, Kraków and Wrocław. Food deliveries are made contact-free and with the help of McDelivery operators and volunteers. The Brazilian branch of the company decided to modify the logotype. The characteristic letter “M” in the brand’s logo has been split into two separate arches. The published graphics were accompanied by the caption: “separated for a moment so that we can always be together”. Internet users accused the company of using the pandemic for their own marketing. After a wave of criticism, McDonald’s decided to remove the graphics and publish an apology.
The McDonald’s logotype is not the only one that has undergone a temporary change. Jure Tovrljan, a Slovenian graphic designer, has converted logos of global brands in response to the pandemic. The Starbucks logo has also undergone a small transformation. The artist covered the famous mermaid’s face with a mask.
The brand promotes social distancing on social media with the message: “If you ever dreamed of playing for millions around the world, now is your chance. Play inside, play for the world.” The brand also gave free access to the premium version of Nike Training Club app, in which over 190 workout regimens created by professional trainers are waiting for users.
One of the major car concerns decided to respond to the pandemic by changing its logo. Volkswagen has created a new version of the logotype and a video where the elements move away from each other. This action was to promote the WHO recommendation to keep a safe distance between people in order to protect against infection. Furthermore, Volkswagen brands have started manufacturing face shield components in 3D printing technology. The company has also donated several thousand gloves and overalls, as well as water and hand creams, to a hospital in Poznań.