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Podcasts rise strongly in 2020

They teach languages, advise on how to save money, eat healthy, entertain and even tell chilling stories. We are talking about podcasters who have taken over the Polish Internet and are winning an ever-wider audience.
Published 29/06/2020

“Tu Okuniewska”, “Kryminatorium” or “Imponderabilia” are just three propositions from the ever-growing list of popular podcasts that every fourth Polish Internet user listens to. On the one hand, we have an area with valuable, often expert and varied content, on the other, a new channel that is like a breath of fresh air to reach a growing group of engaged consumers. By observing the market and current trends, we can safely say that 2020 will be the year of podcasts.

A piece of the latest data

First, some data that confirms the impressive growth of the online broadcast market. Interesting conclusions emerged from the survey of Polish listeners of online broadcasts conducted for Tandem Media from the Agora Radio Group. As it turns out, the vast majority of podcast recipients have joined the group of listeners over the past year, appreciating this medium as valuable content and considering it to be more reliable than information distributed by traditional media. Men choose podcasts related to new technologies, while women listen to programs about health and psycho-social development. Users listen to the message fully concentrated and – what is important: they are not disturbed by ads related to the produced content. Importantly, as many as 34% of listeners are willing to buy the product advertised in the podcast.

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How to work with podcasters?

As podcasts grow in popularity, an increasing number of companies are interested in the possibility of marketing cooperation with their creators. Brands prefer to promote their product with the support of a podcaster who has built an engaged target group matching the profile of the potential recipient of a given brand, rather than spending a budget on, e.g. an OOH campaign.

Where to start cooperation? First of all, choose a podcaster whose receiving group may potentially be interested in your product. In order for cooperation to bring measurable benefits and for your brand to be positively received, take care of valuable content that you want to distribute via a podcast. Remember that when cooperating commercially with an influencer, as that’s how you have to treat a podcaster, you are buying their credibility, listeners and content. It doesn’t matter if you are a brand with a large or small range. Cooperation with an influencer is effective when it’s maximally used in many fields. For example, if you appeared as a guest in one of the episodes of a sponsored podcast, you have to inform potential customers about it by sending a link to the program in the newsletter and placing it on all channels available to the brand. If, as part of cooperation with the podcaster, the brand co-created the episode in which the podcaster presented and reviewed the product, you have to share it further. Take care of recycling content in order to benefit from cooperation as long as possible.

A new channel for brands

The growing interest in radio plays among consumers is more and more often used by brands that incorporate the new format in their communication activities.

An example of good practice can be the brand, which, as part of the “We have so much in common” (“Mamy tyle wspólnego”) campaign addressed to its clients, launched the podcast “Girls from the neighborhood” (“Dziewczyny z sąsiedztwa”). Joanna Okuniewska, known to the wider public as the author of two popular podcasts “Tu Okuniewska” and “My Idiot Friends” (“Moje przyjaciółki idiotki), was invited to cooperate. By choosing this way of communication with consumers, Showroom wants to be closer to them. The brand appreciated the podcast as a valuable channel to reach customers, and weekly programs are to strengthen the image of a brand who is close to women and understands their needs.

Barbara Dorosz

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