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2020 – a new era in influencer marketing?

What changes await influencer marketing in 2020? What trends to bet on when using its power to build brand communication? Who to cooperate with? Check if 2020 is a new era in influencer marketing!
Published 29/06/2020

Most brands in their online communication strategy decide to separate the individual elements of marketing. Content marketing, video, influencer marketing, social media were separated from each other and emphasis was placed on one selected form of online communication – usually the one favored by the brand.

This method of marketing for the brand is no longer relevant. The leading trend in 2020 is the full synchronization of marketing activities from various areas. This means that companies will conduct online communication using social media and influencers. Moreover, they will put an emphasis on good content and appropriate video support, which this year is also mentioned as one of the hottest social media trends definitely worth checking out.

New influencer selection indicator: values

The previous year was not a good time for many influencers. Brands have often had to be ashamed, terminate cooperation, and even face a crisis that was all over the Internet in a matter of seconds. Controversial, ill-considered, and sometimes even trivial behavior of influencers kept large brands, whose values were far different from those that were disseminated by their ambassadors, awake at night.

The year 2020 brings changes in the cooperation of brands with influencers. Currently, the main criterion for selecting influencers to represent the brand on the Internet will be the values they represent. This means that it is no longer the number of followers, reach and involvement of fans on the influencer’s profile that win the hearts of brand decision-makers, but the values they represent on their channel. The better the match, the greater the chance for cooperation.

  • influencerka robiąca zdjęcie pizzy telefonem); influencerka robiąca zdjęcie pizzy telefonem);

New external solutions

Currently, there can also be observed a significant increase in platforms on which everyone is able to independently find the desired influencer. This means that brands are more often undertaking in-house influencer marketing activities. The growth trend of external platforms allowing for influencer marketing activities will be intensified in 2020, which will significantly affect the portfolio of clients of large influencer marketing agencies.

Long term collaboration

The next step of brands in influencer marketing activities in 2020 will be the desire to establish a permanent form of cooperation with selected influencers. Until now, short-term contracts covering the duration of the campaign have been the preferred form of cooperation. However, in hopes of establishing a lasting and strong relationship between themselves and the influencer, brands will focus on longer contracts that will allow them to build greater image credibility, especially in the context of jointly represented values.

More video, more audio!

Video and audio are listed first in the marketing trends in 2020. Currently, users prefer contact with content that is less engaging than reading, and more and more often decide to listen to a podcast or watch a video. These behaviors are dictated by saving time spent on surfing the Internet or scrolling through social media channels. And it clear that this is another trend in influencer marketing with more and more video or audio content.

So don’t be surprised when your favorite influencer starts recording podcasts or publishing more video coverage, as it means that they are trying to keep up with upcoming changes 😉

Aleksandra Kietrys

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