What was the past year like for Polish exporters?
According to the data published by Statistics Poland, Polish export of goods amounted to EUR 165,402.1 million in the first half of 2022 and was 19.1% higher than in the corresponding period of 2021. Export of goods in each month of this year showed an upward trend compared to the same period in previous years, which gives an impressively high value of EUR 314,710.7 million.
Malwina, taking into account the above data, how would you summarize the past year in terms of the activity of Polish exporters in Romania?
Many factors contribute to these positive results. Of course, the current geopolitical situation is important, but in general, among the factors distinguishing Poland as an export country, it is certainly worth mentioning not only the quality and price competitiveness of Polish products, but also the growing demand for Polish products.
Taking into account the trade exchange between Poland and Romania, representing the PAIH Foreign Trade Office in Bucharest, we also see this upward trend, as well as the growing interest of Polish entrepreneurs in this particular market. This is a valuable piece of information for Polish producers interested in new markets. Romania is a very large market (the largest Balkan country in terms of population) giving great opportunities to find your niche. The country is developing at a very dynamic pace and due to the lack of high competitiveness compared to Western markets, it is a potentially promising expansion area. Polish products are very well received, and the entrepreneurs themselves praise cooperation with Poland. It is worth mentioning that Romania, with its port in Constanța[JSM1] , opens up horizons to the entire Black Sea basin, as well as to the rest of the Balkans.
What mistakes do companies who want to enter a foreign market make most often? How to avoid them?
Companies are often not adequately prepared, do not have sufficient knowledge of doing business on a given market, do not know the characteristics and dynamics of the market and do not have a specific strategy – crucial in this process. I believe that PAIH and its Foreign Trade Offices are a priority point of contact for every novice exporter. Operating on foreign markets that we know very well, we help entrepreneurs choose the optimal path of expansion abroad, offering information on the specifics of the market, specific industries or identifying a potential partner.
What is the outlook for 2023 when it comes to talks with Polish companies, potential, opportunities, indicators.
The outbreak of the pandemic in 2020 and the war in Ukraine have radically changed the geopolitical situation of Central Europe. The resulting instability and disruption of the supply chain have created an even greater need to diversify supply routes given the unreliability of globalization. The perspective, not only for 2023, but also for the following years, is to tighten connections in the region of Central Europe, which is crucial for economic development, and to build a coherent and well-integrated infrastructure, which will allow for regular trade.
In the current geopolitical situation, in addition to the daily requirements of Polish and Romanian companies, our office is trying to identify opportunities to respond to the needs that have arisen in connection with the interruption of supply chains in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. We follow the dynamically developing situation and try to find solutions resulting from specific needs.
In Romania, we are sure that trade with Poland will continue to show an upward trend, and PAIH representatives will support every Polish entrepreneur who contacts us. According to the motto “Poland. Business Forward”, under which we promote the Polish economy in the world, I encourage, among others, to participate in the next edition of PAIH BUSINESS FORUM – an event aimed at Polish entrepreneurs, with particular emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises.
If you are interested in the presence of your brand on foreign markets – write to us: s.wlodarczyk@skivak.pl
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